Healing the hurt liberates
It was really reassuring to find out that there are many things that I have suppressed within a long time ago that have affected my physical health.
Angela, UK.
In describing how I feel, it initially started last year, where I became very ‘health’ conscious.
Even towards the subtle things would trigger me. It eventually turned out to be a habit where each morning:
1) I would wake up touching my body seeing if I felt a lump, rush, mark etc
2) Proceed in doing the most gullible things: googling it. Funny enough every symptom would lead up to Cancer
3) Freaking out about it and book an appointment with the doctor
4) Doctor checks and assures there is nothing to worry about
5) I would feel better about myself for half a day and later freaking out thinking what if there are false diagnosis/prognosis or doctor was careless and missed something
6) Trying to get multiple doctors’ opinion
Imagine trying to go through it again and again almost every week!! Your mind becomes so restless and all you can think about is about your health.
It became really bad mentally going through that I started showing actual physical symptoms such as sweating , headache, heart palpitation. I went through all the scans possible, ultrasound , MRI , ECG , countless blood tests, some doctors would actually be annoyed seeing the sight of me walking in .
I really gave up and I was willing to try anything and everything under the sun.
I was introduced to the sessions with Lahvenya.
It's funny all these while all I was running from test to test, doctor to doctor but I didn't actually heal myself. I didn't give it time ,love, care and comfort. I wouldn't say the sessions were easy to follow as the only person that could actually help is just yourself.
The best part has been how comfortable it was to talk to Lahvenya and it's important to have someone who wouldn't judge on your situation. It was really reassuring to find out that there are many things that I have suppressed within a long time ago that have affected my physical health.
I'm glad I'm able to control myself as well as affirmations do help!
I was also happy to find someone who grew up in the same cultural household. The reason for this is that it's really difficult to find the similar background therapist .This helps as well as many Indians especially who may need therapy session but are held back due to lack of communication in language that they are comfortable with as well as there isn't many Indian therapist available which understands truly in cultural manner.
I would encourage them to actually try and give themselves a chance. As for myself , I too was skeptical towards this process but I decided to participate regardless as I really was cornered not knowing what to do during my hardest time.
However I'm so glad that I went through the sessions with Lahvenya and learnt to take care of myself. The symptoms reduced as well as I could take charge of my own body and mind. I'm not saying that the recovery is fast, as I do fall back from time to time but it's important to remember to give yourself time first and heal your mind and body.
Angela, UK.