Living in the present will help you regain your confidence in creating your dream life.
You are not fated to experience any circumstance in your life, it had all been your train of thoughts & beliefs that have led you here. You can create anything you desire with your conscious mind.
As easy as it sounds, we have to also understand that approximately 70-80% of our daily thoughts and actions are carried our by our subconscious ‘autopilot’ mind, only 20% is our conscious thoughts of what we want to experience, of course some even have a lower percentage of awareness as their days are governed by subconscious acts.
Have you noticed times in your life, where everything some spiralling down somewhat one after another. You get demoted, your relationships get worse, you start overeating , you loose your confidence and the list may go on until you come to an awareness and stop all your unimpressive thoughts.
Haven’t we all heard of this , so how do we actually curate our dream life? How do we try to prevent unpleasant circumstances as much as possible.
By being aware of the moment, staying present and only staying true to the future we desire.
They maybe setback, challenges and people throwing a rut at us but we got to always be aware and bring back our conscious self and pick thoughts that are going to help us move towards our dreams.
It is only human when we react to circumstances that are unpleasant, but that’s where we train our mind to come back to consciousness and now we take control of the subconscious mind and direct it to our desire.
This way external circumstances will barely bother us, people’s behaviours will not touch us because we have set our conscious thoughts on what we desire.
Easier said than done, I have seen myself spiralling down some events and leading to further complex situations when I finally take a moment and step out of it and say hang on, that’s not me , that’s not what I want. I am not allowing anyone else to affect my goals/ desire and future .
Sitting ourselves down, just calming being present in the moment and trying not to sway is important , this process can be further enhanced by a daily meditation, your mind is a muscle, the more your practice the better you get at reaching to a calm state, without scenes and dramas.
Once calmness is achieved, now it is easier to remind you about your desire , the future that you want, remember how empowered you are to create this. Claim your desire right back.
When this is done, you can see your body, thoughts and energies shifting, you feel light and free once again.
Tilll next time,